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Contact Financial Aid

3700 W. 103rd Street
Warde Academic Center, Room A-216
Chicago, IL 60655

Phone: 773-298-3070
Fax: 773-298-3917

Financial Aid Staff

Financial aid counselors are available to work one-on-one with your specific questions or concerns. Counselors are assigned by the first letter of the student's last name. Admitted students can also access Self-Service on mySXU to link directly to their assigned counselor for assistance.

Counselor Assisting students with last name beginning with:
Zuleima Nolasco A - E
Kathleen Jacobs F - H
Jacqueline Griffin I - L
Laura Carrillo M
Jacqueline Taylor N - P
Irma Hernandez Q - Z

The Office of Financial Aid staff work hard to meet the needs of all members of the Saint Xavier University community. Assistance is available in Spanish, as requested.

Title Name
Executive Director Susan Swisher
Associate Director - Veteran Services Jacqueline Griffin
Bilingual Financial Literacy Coach
Jacqueline Taylor
Financial Aid Specialist Carolina Franco

Office Hours

Monday - Friday
8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.